Sunday, May 28, 2023

Photo Shoot then Tech City

It was almost time for my parents to leave and go back to Illinois, so we took them to Bellevue Downtown Park for some photos with their favorite grandchild.

Ernie got some beauty sleep before the shoot so he could look his best.

I brought a tripod and used my watch to take the pictures remotely. Tech genius? There's a mode where it takes 10 photo bursts that allowed me to create this gif work of art.

It's difficult to take decent photos with Ern because his neck is so wobbly. It's a bit like holding up a fish you just caught but the fish is sometimes crying.

After my parents got out of Dodge we made our first visit to Bellevue Brewing Company - Spring District Brewpub. The Spring District is kind of an interesting place. It's sort of like if you decided to build a community from scratch centered around the local Meta offices.

In St. Louis farmers' markets are funded by people that enjoy buying vegetables. Here they are funded by billion dollar social media conglomerates.

Lydia has a sneaky plan in place to set Ernie in his crib so that if he wants to look at us he has to turn his head the opposite of the way he prefers. We are really putting effort into strengthening our dude's neck muscles.

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