Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Independence All Day

We paraded hard today. Kirkland had a pretty good 4th of July parade that we could walk to and did so. I love walkable events.

This was all very exotic to me, living in a landlocked couple of states my whole life. Really as far as the midwest is concerned the navy and the coast guard barely exist. I had never even considered submarine veterans!

Luckily I was not left having to imagine what a submarine looks like, as they brought one along with them.

The Ukraine Association of Washington State was getting me emotional. Helping Ukraine stay free is one of the rare instances where I can be 100% of our military industrial complex.

This old timey car broke down in the middle of the parade and had to be pushed away. It was a good reminder of the amazing advances in automobile technology over the years.

Casa Italiana is an Italian cultural center in Burien, WA that I have been keeping an interested eye on. When they put out a call for people to walk in the Burien parade with them we answered, as good Italians do.

The first order of business was to Italian pimp out Ernie's stroller.

There was a Vespa or two in attendance.

We had literature to disperse as well as candy.

It was fun.

I don't know what Ern is crabby about here but I'm going to say it's because he had some much fun at the parades and now he's sad that it's all over. Next year buddy!

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