Friday, October 27, 2023

Practice Day at School

Today was a big milestone as it was Ernie's first day at Sundance Preschool. It was a short day practice run situation but I think it was good to help him acclimate to this new phase in his life.

They sent us lots of pictures which was great. He seemed a little "too" happy to be without us. Rude. Just the fact that they had so many toys that he hadn't played with yet was probably very exciting.

They have an app where I get alerts on every single thing he does, including poops. Thanks, technology.

I'm especially excited for Ern to be able to play with the others kids and get socialized.

I'm going to have to start trying to remember what it was that I did all day before I had a little dude up in my business 24/7.

Back at home he had a first practice day at school victory dinner and made lots more funny faces.

Roasted red bell pepper was the main attraction.

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