Sunday, October 22, 2023

Fish and a Moose on the Way Home

The day had arrived for us to return to the Lower 48.

I admired some of the fun Alaskan artwork on some beer cans while cleaning up around the airbnb. Kassik's Brewery's Beaver Tail Blonde Ale is a reference to the little plane we took to Denali.

The airbnb was so dreamlike they left us a gift basket of snacks and it even contained a gift card to the local Resurrect Art Coffee House.

I think repurposed churches are super fun.

The Alaska SeaLife Center was a funny example of how this 2,700 population town clearly is punching above its weight due to tourism.

There was a bit where you could pet various sea creatures but I think they were pumping water in directly from outside because it was hand numbingly cold.

I learned a lot about ice today.

Even the gas station on the drive back to Anchorage was scenic.

We saw a moose on the side of the road! This was right next to the airport so it was like the last possible moment for this big... girl? to make an appearance.

Ern was happy to be back at home with yet another fun week of experiences under his belt.

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