Sunday, October 29, 2023

Major Award Winning Baby

With Halloween approaching Lydia has been checking online marketplaces for used costumes. She found a few good ones and rather than go through the suffering of making a choice between them all we bought all of them.

The Pacific Bonsai Museum and Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden were having a costume contest so we thought that would be a good opportunity for Ern to try out one of his new outfits. We didn't want any boogers on his clothes so he got suited up in the trunk in the parking lot.

We thought garden gnome fit well with the outdoorsy theme.

Nailed it.

We checked out some bonsais while we waited for the judges to make their solemn determination of world's cutest baby.

Winner winner chicken dinner!

I am now the proud owner of a prize winning baby!

We got a bag of treats and a gift certificate to the plant shop. I've been putting a lot of time and money into this whole parenting thing so it's nice that my investment is finally paying off.

We went plant shopping.

Ernie had a victory meal at Puerto Vallarta Federal Way. I believe this was his first taste of refried beans.

He was a big fan.

Picked up our gift card at Redmond Town Center.

Ernie likes his new play table but nothing is quite as fun as: my foot!

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