Saturday, May 22, 2021

Massachusetts: Pie, Swans, and Harvard

Lydia came up with a plan to go on a Boston cream pie crawl, similar to our cannoli crawl. Well some of the bakeries were the same, and after the cannoli and the donuts from yesterday I figured I must be on the precipice of some sort of sugar seizure, so... we just had one pie. 

It turns out it's more of a cake with cream filling than a pie. Apparently the name dates back far enough that pie and cake were interchangeable words. Back when it was ok to be a liar, I guess.

There may have been another cannolo in the mix. I don't know.

We had a slice at the original Regina Pizza.

We headed to Boston's Public Garden on a waterfowl mission.

Boston's swan boats have been in operation since 1877. Everything in this town seems to be like shockingly ancient and full of history.

I didn't realize that the boats were powered by a human peddling in back behind the swan.

I'm not ashamed to admit that Fallout 4 was the first time I'd heard of the existence of these boats. That game is really like a tourism board's dream. If memory serves a guy took shelter from the nuclear war in like the swan boats' maintenance shed. He ended up turning into a giant mutant that your character has to fight. The mutant's name is naturally Swan, and wears swan boat pieces as armor.

The other people in the boat were pretty annoying and we were trapped with them. There were children that pretend shot everyone and everything we passed.

Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts is pretty impressed with itself. It's home to MIT so they may have a point.

We checked out Harvard campus.

Now we weren't allowed to go into any of the buildings but I was underwhelmed by the campus. It was nice don't get me wrong, but I think I've heard about Harvard being magical for so long that I was picturing Hogwarts.

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