Sunday, November 20, 2022

Liberty and the Pursuit of Lamp Happiness

Today we visited Seattle's National Nordic Museum to explore the 45th Annual Julefest.

There was a good number of people inside chowing down next to a virtual yule log in the fireplace.

Hattie's Hat is an amazing divey diner that was opened in 1904. Everything about the place is one big "they don't make em like this anymore". The decor is weird and awesome and retro. The food is diner fare that I didn't realize how much I've missed from the Midwest.

How many places are so confident in their menu that they'll just paint a friggin' mural of it permanently on the wall?

I've had my eye on this amazing Restoration Hardware lamp for a little while. The lighting in our apartment currently is probably a hand me down from someone's dorm room. It doesn't look great but it's doing its job. Fine. But what if instead of that we had an OTTIMO TORCHIERE FLOOR LAMP that some might say is 

"A study in proportion and balance, our reproduction of an Italian lamp celebrates the bold minimalist spirit of the 1950s. Subtly patterned at the base with rhythmic fluting, the elongated conical body extends dramatically upwards, culminating in a simple round reflector shade."

Now, I'm not saying that a ton of lives have been changed by a lamp. But if that was ever going to happen for me, it would be by this $3,600 lamp that looks like something the Statue of Liberty might hold up.

I wanted to see this work of friggin art in its natural habitat at the gigantic Restoration Hardware store in University Village. The place is like 5 stories tall. They didn't have a single one in stock. The things must be flying of the shelves. If only we'd gotten here sooner.

Things are beginning to get festive back at the apartment.

Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pa pum pum
To lay before the King, pa rum pa pum pum

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