Wednesday, June 16, 2021

First Swing at the Beer Box

We had Emily and Zoe over to our place to unbox my magnificent Seattle-imported anniversary box of Elysian brewskies. There were lots of fun surprises inside. There were a ton of beers as was expected, and a lot of them had cool custom labels. One cool thing was this very flimsy record. I knew that there would be a record involved so I had already borrowed Seago’s player in preparation. The audio wasn’t music as expected but the founders talking about the early days of the brewery, begging to get their taps in at local bars. There was one story in particular where I think that there was a big snow storm or something and the big beer distributors couldn’t get into the city to replenish their kegs, so these guys supplied local bars and got their foot in a lot of doors as a result.

The swelling in my legs from the time Lydia tried to kill me via river kayak was getting pretty bad.

I didn't have the patience to construct this pinewood derby car they included but I was still impressed by its existence.

Zoe was kind enough to lend me her crutches and also gave me a posture lesson.

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