Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Missouri Persimmons

At work today I was treated to one of the worst presentations ever assembled.

This was how to add your picture to your Linkedin page.

From now on every presentation slide I create will begin with "obviously".

Everyone being at home all the time due to covid is creating shortages in very strange products. Products such as 12 foot tall $300 skeleton lawn ornaments.

We hit Sandy Creek Covered Bridge State Historic Site. Anytime you go to a covered bridge in Missouri you're contractually obligated to mention that there are only four remaining covered bridges in Missouri.

I was still riding high on my recent pawpaw foraging victory, but one must not rest on one's fruity laurels. So I did some research on what other things I could eat for free. Turns out Missouri has wild persimmons. The very next park I went to had them on the ground! I'm on a fruit roll up!

These were on an actual tree that I couldn't cartoonishly shake to get fruit to fall down like last time, so I was reduced to gathering the few that I found on the ground.

The bridge was built in 1872, destroyed by flooding, then rebuilt in 1886.

They were nice but you can tell they are not domesticated because the fruit was small and the seeds were huge.

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