Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve Brought to You By Tequila

The past multiple years we haven't been around for Christmas, as we are always out globetrotting. It's difficult for Lydia to take actual time off, so we plan our escapes on holidays and the summer time. Anyway, now that I'm in the health insurance industry, health plans all start on the first of the year, which means all the prep happens the last couple months of the year for new plans and changes to plans, etc. Long story short, I can't take off Christmas break anymore. 

Lydia ditched me and went to Disney World with her family. I'd just like to point out that Lydia had never been to any Disney park, and was skeptical if she would like it at all, before I took her there. She proceeded to have a magical time.



So I was left to relearn how to Christmas all by myself in my homeland of Springfield, Illinois. It's fine though, because I brought a bottle full of a different sort of magical times, lovingly hand mixed and self imported from the Jose Cuervo tour in Tequila, Mexico. Well I think I double dipped my bottle into the hot red wax, because it was hard as hell to get the damn thing open. There were various knives and metal implements used to hack at the thing.

It became a sword in the stone situation, where the winner would be crowned king of Mexico.


I think it's amusing that on Joyce and Dennis' wall-o'-family everyone else's picture is classy and of some important life event, and ours is us getting lit up at Ballpark Village.

Speaking of classy there's a game, Watch Ya' Mouth, where you shove this thing in your mouth and have to read words and other people try to guess what you're saying.

Dennis is a Pepsi employee and has a solid bottle collection. I've gotten wrapped up in beer bottle collecting myself from my Anheuser-Busch days. He still has a couple weird ones that I brought him from Japan: one is mint flavored and another is yogurt.

There's 3D glasses that make lights looks like stars. What will they think of next?

I was jealous of their cool Italian Christmas ornaments.

The kids all had to run home when NORAD told us Santa was nearing Springfield.

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