We had a couple hours before our next train so we went to check out the market. We saw a lot more than that.
This European Space Expo bubble exhibit got me excited for our upcoming trip to see the Milan Expo. I can't wait! Inside was a lot of bragging about satellites.
We were poking around the market and I was like, "hey, there's that church I wanted to see". So we moseyed.
They were actively having mass inside. Many of these churches are interesting because they don't have any pews. It's just like a big standing jumble in there like a rock concert.
I don't usually drink tea but it was free in the room so I got involved. It wasn't quite white enough though so I added some of this coffee whitener. Mmm, whiteness.
Train station.
The graffiti has been improving the farther west we go, I must say.
Yet again our train stopped and "surprise!" we had to go the rest of the way on the bus. It was pretty awful because the bus then stops at every train station. Except here it was worse because it was a toll highway. So we had to stop and pay tolls like 8 times. A large group of boisterous idiots got on with matching bachelor party t-shirts with Zach Galifianakis' face on the front and "Wolf Pack" on the back a la The Hangover. Normally I would think this is awesome and maybe even get a picture with them but they were horrible people. They brought on portable speakers and were blasting horrible techno music and singing loudly. The back of the bus was wet from spilled drinks, and they harassed a girl onboard sufficiently that she went up and sat with the bus driver. We had two pretty rough looking older dudes sitting in front of us with a level of teeth that would make it really difficult to enjoy a sandwich. They just had to smoke during our stops and they smelled like a dumpster that had caught fire.
The ride was so bad that I'm concerned it will give me a bad impression of the entire nation of Slovenia.
What looks like a communist world war II memorial.
The grocery store in the small village of Divača did have wine on tap, so that was one thing it had going for it.
Lydia's steak wasn't cooked very much so we sent it back! I could tell we were close to Italy because several of the other restaurant patrons were speaking Italian with the server.
The Prekmurska gibanica layer cake contained poppy seeds, walnuts, apples, raisins and ricotta fillings and was finally something completely different. It was also really good. Hurray.
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