The random cat we are apparently now in charge of in Bella Vista, Arkansas, likes to creepily smash its face against the glass of our Airbnb dangerously close to where the door opens. And I don't want this alley cat up in my business. So I've started just throwing some food randomly on the deck, providing enough distraction for me to fully open the door to put food in its bowl. #1 cat whisperer right here.
There's a bird feeder and the cat likes to watch the birds eat and dream of murdering all of them.
We strolled through the lovely town of Rogers, AR for our afterwork entertainment this evening. They are home to the one and only Rogers Daisy Airgun Museum.
Lydia even with finger guns would very likely shoot her eye out.
I'm giving the Cuban themed Downtown Havana Tropical Grill some major style points for having a couple of classic cars sitting out front. I don't normally like to brag but I took a few classic car tours around Havana myself.
New Province had some funky fun beer flavored that we popped in and bought a few cans of for takeout.
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