Sunday, January 17, 2021

South Carolina Eating

Luckily it was still the weekend so I could do some immediate damage to the local food scene.

There was a fun view of the canal from the back door of the house. It seemed pretty shallow and was pretty much mud at low tide, so I'm not sure how much of a purpose it had. It was nice to look at though.

This was one of my favorite snacks of the entire trip and we ended up buying more. Benne wafers are fun little crispy cracker like things with a taste that's hard to put your finger on. They are sweet and salty and filled with sesame seeds. Dipping them into the local pimento cheese was even weirder, but somehow it all worked. Unbeknownst to me, "benne" is the Bantu word for sesame, and the crop was brought over by slaves. It's weird because they definitely had slaves in Missouri, but I don't think I've been to an area that still seems to have so many echoes of slavery all over the place.

I found a list of must-try South Carolina foods during the long drive here that I've been using as a guide. 


And check

I don't know that I've ever been to a beach when it was cold before. It's a strange sensory experience, because I have spent years associating the ocean waves. beach, seashells, and so forth with warm sunny weather. Now all of the same elements are here but it's cold and often windy/rainy to boot. The views are great though and the house is in a great location where the beach is walkable so it should work out very nicely.

Several businesses in North Myrtle Beach have fake lighthouses. So nautical.

We nailed our pecan obligations with some ice cream.

Despite the article making okra sound like some sort of alien appendage, I quite like it.

Myrtle Beach proper was closed up for the night but there were still a few things to see by car.

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