Friday, September 22, 2023

Yung Gravy and bbno$ at the Washington State Fair

We had such a good time seeing Nelly at the Washington State Fair last year that we were excited to have another fun time with the concert lineup this year.

We drove down to Puyallup for the festivities.

There are Fisher Scones being sold inside the concert venue which is convenient. The line there was much more reasonable than what you might find at the other locations as well.

Honestly I had never heard of Yung Gravy and I had heard a couple of bbno$ songs but couldn't have told you who sang them. Luckily Zoe is cool and said they were good so I bought the tickets and had plenty of time to listen to their stuff beforehand.

bbno$ had a baller farm themed outfit that I would like to have for my very own.

Both of these guys did a lot of goofy stuff. At one point he read a random recipe from a random cookbook then threw it out to the crowd.

Pretty much every single one of Yung Gravy's songs is about hooking up with someone's mom. I guess that counts as a genre.

Whoever came up with Yung Gravy + bbno$ = Baby Gravy should be writing sonnets or speeches for presidents. Their talent is wasted here.

There was a short break for Uncrustables. Another moment they autographed a Lunchable and bestowed it on a lucky concertgoer.

The show ended just in time for us to catch some fireworks. That's a win.

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