Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Stroll About Town

Roof, roof!

After the mask shortage it became fashionable for handy people to make their own. Lydia's stepmom made us a couple and we modeled them around the city. Mine's got like a little smile so that people know how friendly I am.

People are clearly getting pretty desperate for social interaction.

"In 1891 the Wainwright Building was constructed for St. Louis businessman Ellis Wainwright. It was designed by Louis H. Sullivan, a Chicago architect.

The Wainwright Building is the father of the contemporary skyscraper. Sullivan's design emphasized open, spacious interiors. Sullivan combined a load-bearing steel framework with architectural details taken from earlier load-bearing masonry structures. His large windows flooded the Wainwright Building with natural light. The airy construction allowed by the steel framework was a radical departure from the heavy concrete buildings of the time.

The Wainwright Building became a turning point in architectural history. It is now regarded as the pioneer of contemporary building design."

One Cardinal Way, the apartment building connected to Ballpark Village looks like it is about finished. I was annoyed because they were giving "hard hat tours" of the place while we were in Kenya and now it's too risky... so I may never get to see the inside of the place now!

Lydia demanded that we rewatch my favorite movie ever: The Matrix. She enjoyed that so much that she then insisted that we watch the rest of the trilogy and then the Animatrix too!

My work commute took almost two hours a day, so now that I work from home I have more time for things like leisurely bubble baths. You know, man stuff.

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