Well it about that time again: float trip.
The first step in any good float trip is going to Walmart and buying the trashiest clothes you can find. I went with a couple of sleeveless shirts. As Confucius once said: "sun's out, guns out".
Stuart insisted on driving which was awesome because he has a jeep with no windows, so I got feel the wind in my face and loss of hearing for the 3 hour drive out to NRO Canoe Rental & Campground in Lebanon, Missouri.
It was dark by the time we arrived.
Trevor was about to mess with my freedom but then he saw my other sleeveless shirt.
Things got sensual.
So sensual.
I had fun capturing some crayfish.
The Niangua River never had it so good.
Viry told me that I looked like a smashed cake while taking a nap. Thank you?
I had so much fun learning about crayfish that I had the Missouri Department of Conservation send me some riveting reading material.
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