Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Little Fun in Metro East

Lydia had been cooped up all day with her mysterious illness, so I figured she probably needed some fresh air. And where is the air fresher than East St. Louis?

During our drive I exclaim "wait a tic, I do believe there's something on our St. Louis Magazine's "101 Things Every St. Louisan Must Do" list nearby!" And there was.

Many many times I've taken I-55 to Edwardsville, or Springfield, or wherehaveyou. I've noticed a couple of awesome buildings in East Saint that I always thought were awesome but I'd never seen up close. Turns out they look better far away, but they are still pretty badass.

I've wondered many a time what type of church this was. Turns out it's Lithuanian Roman Catholic, which doesn't make any sense to me. My guess was some sort of Eastern Orthodox.

On my dream list is to dig this building up, move it someplace awesome, and make it into a theater that plays only Bill Murray movies.

We finally arrived at the Mississippi River Overlook. It's pretty new, and pretty fancy. It's kind of in the middle of nowhere, and the road to it is pretty rough, so I don't think I'll be making a second trip.

The view was very nice though.

We enjoyed a meaty dinner at Fast Eddie's.

 We stopped by Alton's Argosy casino and then went on back home.

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