Friday, April 01, 2022

A Betrayal Most Foul

Today was supposed to be the day of our flight to London and then Prague, but the incompetents at British Airways canceled my flight ON THE SAME DAY IT WAS SUPPOSED TO DEPART. These people are animals. They didn't even rebook us so now we have the distinct pleasure and expense of trying to book a replacement flight to Europe on the same friggin day that we'd like to depart. 

My FAANG interview flirting has reached a fever pitch lately.

We ended up booking a flight tomorrow that bypasses this cesspool of an airline. It is a bummer because we were supposed to have a little London layover and even had some plans to hang out with British Mike. Oh well.

We drowned our sorrows at a happy hour at Kirkland's Isarn Thai Soul Kitchen. I ordered some nice and spicy stuff for Lydia to try.

A standout dish was this Sweet Young Coconut Cream: (bua-loy-khai-warn) warm sweet coconut cream, tapioca balls and coconut meat simmered together in a whole coconut. Traditionally served with a poached egg (optional). In related news I've requested that when in public Lydia now address me as Sweet Young Coconut Cream.

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