Saturday, January 04, 2020

Colonial Politics, Cuban food, and Ill Gotten Ski Gear

We're weird and we went to the Old Courthouse for the 1769 Twelfth Afternoon Ball.

"Celebrate the end of the holiday season as St. Louisans did in 1769. The Twelfth Afternoon Ball at the Old Courthouse recognizes the completion of the Twelve Days of Christmas, which leads to Mardi Gras. This year’s ball highlights music, food and dancing from 1769. Dennis Stroughmatt et L’Esprit Creole will perform 18th-century music, Deborah Hyland will lead dances from the time period, and food historian Suzanne Corbett will demonstrate historical food recipes common to St. Louis dinner tables during the 1769 holiday season. King’s Cake will be served, and the king and queen of Mardi Gras will be crowned. Historical clothing is not required to participate."

"Fort San Carlos and the Battle of St. Louis

On May 26, 1780, St. Louis was attacked by an allied force of American Indians and a small number of British and French-Canadian fur traders. The British hoped to gain control of the Mississippi Valley by occupying the Spanish-governed settlements on the west bank of the river.

St. Louis had been warned to expect such an attack, and had on hand an organized militia of citizen-soldiers, regular troops of the Spanish Army, and reinforcements from Ste. Genevieve, a village 80 miles to the south. Still, they were outnumbered more than two to one. The village was protected by an encircling entrenchment and a stone watchtower named Fort San Carlos. Led by Lieutenant Governor Fernando de Leyba, the defenders repelled the attack with musket and cannon fire. The battle lasted over two hours, but the attackers finally withdrew. DeLeyba reported 21 villagers killed and 71 captured out of a total St. Louis population of about 700. Spanish control of the west bank of the Mississippi was retained."

"ON MARCH 10TH, 1804—213 YEARS ago today—the city of St. Louis went through a brief, well-organized identity crisis. The day before, it had been Spanish. In the morning, it was French. And as soon as noon hit, it was American, as it has remained for all the days since.

This multi-part switcheroo, which historians call “Three Flags Day,” was the symbolic and bureaucratic culmination of the Louisiana Purchase, in which France sold a massive swath of territory to the United States for pennies on the acre. The deal came as a surprise to the American government, which had only been trying to buy New Orleans. Instead, they got a piece of land that effectively doubled the size of the country and today makes up 15 U.S. states.

The deal was equally surprising to the Spanish, who had ceded the land in question to the French very, very recently—so recently, in fact, that they were still effectively running most of it. The sudden need to play catch up led to a strange 24 hours for St. Louisans."

Lydia's been wanting to eat at Mayo Ketchup for a while so we finally made an appearance. I personally am not a fan of mayo so the name of the place makes me sad, but the food was pretty good. It's a Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Cuban mix, but I think I was personally most interested in the Cuban fare. I went there and beat Obama, don't like to brag though.

We played Settlers of Catan at Zoe's house.

Vinny played too.

So I found this Breckenridge Brewery contest where you get amazing prizes. I tried with like 8 different emails addresses using incognito mode on my browser and all sorts of other dark internet arts. All I got were these damn "sorry here's some coal" messages.

As usual I sent the link to my dumb friends and they proceeded to effortlessly win all sorts of dumb stupid prizes.

Joel won a holiday pint glass and even sent me pictures of himself opening the comically large box.

Zoe won a pair of friggin hundred dollar ski goggles with a custom Breckenridge Brewery head strap.

Next we went to Parlor and we beat the Simpsons arcade game. It's amazing what I can accomplish when my mom isn't being stingy with the quarters. 

The girls like Tapper because it's free. I agree.

Later Trevor and Kyle came over for some board games.

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