Election day was approaching so we went to a Senator Claire McCaskill rall at a local union hall. The last time I came here Billy Clinton was the big draw, and this time it was Joe Biden.
Colonel Sanders was inexplicably in attendance.
An added bonus to the speeches was observing how bad people are with their cell phones. I helped multiple people take pictures, including Colonel Sanders. You might say I showed him the Android secret recipe. See what I did there?
After the speeches were all spoke Biden was nice enough to mingle and take pictures with the common folk. Obviously getting a picture with Biden was now my sole mission. He moved a little towards the door with each picture, and there were a ton of people all smashed together trying to get to him, so I put myself where he was going to be rather than trying to beeline at him. It worked and I was proud of myself.
Luckily Joey B's iPhone selfie skills are on point. Not too shabby. I'm still confused how I managed to reach over 20 people to hand him the phone.
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