Sunday, June 24, 2018

Pride Parade Bud Light Float

I'm a parade person. I had fun at the St. Louis St. Patrick's and Mardi Gras parades. I also did that one weird one in Japan where I dressed up like a samurai... Anyway when I heard Anheuser-Busch was sponsoring a float in the St. Louis PrideFest Parade I was all about it.

A day or two before the parade we got our parade supplies at the office. There was lots of swag to be had.

On parade day I suited up and walked to the parade staging site. Parades being downtown all the time is a lot less annoying when you are participating in them.

There was a lot of pre-parade moving of boxes. I don't know why they gave me a bunch of beads that I took home, then brought back to the parade where there were tons of boxes of beads. Oh well.

The main "float" vehicle was sort of like an armored personnel carrier with a giant sound system inside.

Honk honk.

I tried to prepare by taking a lot of beads out their bags and draping them on my arms. I was rewarded by my sweat mixing with the dye on the beads which then stained my arms blue. Fun.

Whipping beads at screaming strangers never gets old.

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