A contact at Randall's Wines and Spirits let me walk with their float in the St. Patrick's Day parade. I really like walking in parades. You get a little camaraderie with new float friends, you get to whip plastic necklaces at strangers. What's not to like?
By this point I'd already put in my two weeks notice at Anheuser-Busch, so seeing the majestic clydesdales clomping down the street had an especially emotional effect on me.
I've been to so many free promotional movie screenings that I recognized the guy setting up this float for the upcoming Dumbo movie.
Irish phone booth is about the classiest way to hide a porta-potty that I can think of.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was only one bullet hole in the float. City livin"!!
I thought this cable guy float was pretty imaginative.
The King of Hospitality, Mr. Gary, host of Them Yo People.
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